The Unconscious Man

we-haveMan is unconscious and is governed by his emotions and is led by different desires that trigger them. Consequently, man cannot see that his habits have a negative effect on his surroundings and the environment. Spinoza explains that the mental tool of reason if applied by the mind’s understanding will follow what is necessarily good. Unfortunately, man lives by the first level of knowledge which is the lowest and its knowledge is comprised of hearsay and experience. The higher level of knowledge according to Spinoza is ‘Reason and Intuition.’

It is possible to reach a higher level of knowledge (reason & intuition) that will increase ones awareness and consciousness only when an individual decides to make a change; however, to make any real change an individual must be tired and disappointed and dissatisfied with the direction of his or her life

Most of us run to buy the most recent self-improvement and self-help book which make much sought after promises of an improved state or monetarily benefits ; yet, nothing concrete really changes. It appears for a short time that things are better, that is, we may feel better about ourselves; unfortunately, the feelings never last. What actually is taking place is that we just move the living-room furniture around and it looks different but in reality nothing changes.

How can we make real inner changes and reach a higher level of knowledge? The knowledge that we want to pursue is the information available in Spinoza’s and Gurdjieff’s writing. These ideas if consciously applied can only be learned if deep and great effort is applied. Working with someone who has learned and follows a method of improving ones understanding is absolutely necessary to make any real change. Ultimately, we want improve our character by self-examination with our new awaken intelligence then and only then is it possible for us to achieve real happiness and true fulfillment that is lasting. Most of our pursuits are short lived pleasures. We feel good for a moment, the food, the sex, the beer/wine the new mate, and traveling. The new house, the car all these things we follow because we’ve learned and trusted and believed the authority of others that these things are the most important and good for us and should be acquired: We are taught and programed early in life that this is supposed to bring us happiness: It is evident that in the current state of human nature reveals that the opposite is the case. “We have met the enemy and the enemy is us.” Pogo a cartoon character during the 60’s and 70’s has addressed this reality.