Students Learning Spinoza

Freedom comes when we understand our emotions. Hugh fears confrontation: Jack wants to stop expressing hate and anger: Conrad experiences envy: Caleb is learning how to embrace…

A Son’s Gratitude

Recently, Aimee received a poem from her son on her birthday and I asked her to share it with us.  I wanted to give others the opportunity to see how…

Our Prison Within

As infants our education begins. Our nature includes the five senses; which are, touch, sight, hearing, smell, and taste. Depending on our environmental upbringing, we will necessarily adapt to the…

Lao Tzu – Yield With Life

“As the soft yield of water cleaves obstinate stone, to yield with life solves the insoluble.  To yield I have learned is to come back again.  But this un-worded lesson,…

Creating Our Existence Anew

Whenever you have an experience, a memory of it follows. The experience may have been a product of the activity of your intelligence, but the memory is passive. Think of…