Reality Overcomes Our Dreams

The buffering mechanism in our mind plays many tricks on our thinking in order to spare us pain.  However, at the same time it inhibits our growth.

One of the illusions that this mechanism produces in us is that spiritual growth is attained by just flowing to our essential being.  Spinoza and other true spiritual teachers emphasize the great effort that is required for inner work.

Some individuals with intuitive sensitivity have heard this stated time and again in our group meetings.  Yet their buffering mechanism does not allow them to hear that great discipline, great overcoming, and great self-transformation are necessary for growth.  They live with vague and dreamy feelings, and may turn to drug experiences.  They never face the real problems that produce growth-problems such as superiority, ego-hidden fears, competition and comparison. They are incapable of having solid and meaningful relationships with others based on reality and the study of real problems.

The result is that they burrow deeper and deeper into their imaginative world of mystical fantasy. They seek contact only with other individuals who also share their fantasy and who will not challenge their spiritual imaginations.  The only growth they experience is growth in illusions.

That is why only active participation in a group of reality-oriented individuals can guarantee that we shall not remain lost in our private dream world.  Both the materialist and the mystic are bogged down in isolation, unable to have contact with others in the common denominator of reality.