Gurdjieff Teachings – Creating a Real You!

How can we become more effective in life? Why are we so easily swayed by our desires’ that take us here, there, and everywhere? We want this we want that, it seems that we are never satisfied: Are we happy or unhappy? What would make one happy? It seems that happiness or unhappiness is totally dependent on the quality of the object which we love. What if the object of our love no longer wants us or we lose interest; what happens to us? Is this loss the cause of our sadness, depression or disappointments?

I wonder if there is something out there that is more solid and less fleeting: is it possible that when we embrace it; we might feel fulfilled? What can that be? I believe and think it’s in the development of the self; the “I” that is directly connected with our true intelligent nature.

When we are in touch with our inner “Intelligence” and act from it we know that we are in truth and are in direct connection with the ALMIGHTY. This awareness and mental activity coupled with a strong feeling or positive emotion creates an inner love and a feeling of our true power; unfortunately, most of the time we seek and attach ourselves to objects which are transient, fleeting and are easily destroyed by external causes. These objects can be excessive desire for money, career, status, ambition, glory, fame, pleasure, sex, food, etc.

Fortunately, these objects of desire, if under our control can be sought as a means and not as an end in itself. In order to be able to temper our desires and seek the greater good in the future rather than satisfy the desire for the present good, we must want to learn how to develop the power to say YES or NO. This power to say no to the temporary good that’s facing us in the present moment must come from this powerful self that we want to develop. Some call this active discipline, I call it active decision that comes from REASON and INTUITION and which is a mental activity of our intelligence.